Sunday, March 25, 2012


Yesterday, we went to Lincoln Center Theaters to see the documentary Jiro Dreams of Sushi by Director David Gelb.  I was anxiously anticipating seeing the movie for about two weeks.  However, last week the flu delayed me by about 10 days, so it was a treat to get out and finally see it.

As expected, from reading all the reviews, I couldn't keep my eyes off of the screen.  Jiro is such an inspiration and makes one want to always strive to do better every day.  And, even when you thought you've reached that is always better.

We really enjoyed watching Jiro's sons strive to emulate his footsteps; particularly, the older one, who, in traditional Japanese tradition, will follow his dad.  The younger son opened his own restaurant.

And, as the many reviews stated, you definitely want to eat sushi afterwards.  So, where to go?  I've eaten at Morimoto (my favorite) and both of Nobu's restaurants (also another favorite), but never had the experience of 15 East which, I learned, is one of the favorite restaurants of David Gelb, director of the movie.  Of course, that's where we would go.  We gave it a try.  And it was extraordinary.
 First, we started with a SHOCHU cocktail, which is a "Japanese whiskey" so to speak.  It is distilled from sweet potatoes or rice, and contains 25% alcohol, not as much as vodka, but a bit more than a typical wine or sake.  We tried the Tenshi no Yuwaku, made from sweet potatoes.  Oh, yeah.

Then, as a tasting, we started with several appetizers, including Sashimi and Tartare of Bluefin Tuna which was akami sashimi, toro tartare, and a cavair sauce. 
Later, a Lobster salad with avocado, cucumber, and olive tapenade; and, finally, a Foie Gras Terrine which was a miso infused duck, and raisins on a brioche.

 For the main course, we opted for the Sashimi and sushi Omakase, which was 16 varieties of a seasonal selection of fresh fish.   Oh, yes, Jiro, thank you for the inspiration!

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