Sunday, June 10, 2012


Finished Pot Roast
My close friends are probably in shock to see that I am posting a recipe for a beef dish.  They all know that my proteins are limited to fish and fowl.  And, unfortunately, sometimes foul fish.  I know. Bad joke. But I like it and it still works.  Anyway, getting back to the original pot roast thing.  My SO bought a bottom round pot roast the other day.  I asked him, "Who is making that?"  He claimed he would.  I don't think so and figured this was a perfect opportunity to use my slow cooker, or crock pot, again.  Also it was another opportunity to post some more non-National Geographic photos. 

Now I could pull any fish or fowl recipe out of a hat--or my head--or a hat on my head.  I know another bad joke. However, I needed to peruse the Internet for this one.   I found a recipe for a Tuscan Pot Roast slowly cooked in the crock pot which I adapted using the ingredients we had on hand.  It was not difficult at all.  Actually, "cooking" meat is much easier (and much, much less expensive) than cooking fish. 

First, I browned the pot roast, then placed it in the crock pot and left it alone for 10 hours.  Wow.  Easy cooking.  

Browned Pot Roast  -- Looks good for a fish person
Very Easy. When done, I was told that the meat was spectacular and it lasted for three days.  What a bargain for $7.52 cents.  While all of this was going on, I enjoyed my toasted pumpkin seeds and watercress salads. Until the weekend when Oysters, Clams, Shrimps and Lobster were on my plate.

1/3 cup olive oil
2 1/2 pound bottom round pot roast
1 cup onions, quartered
1 cup celery, thinly sliced
1 1/2 cups carrots, thinly sliced
2 1/2 cups porcini mushrooms, quartered
1/3 cup minced garlic
1 6-oz can tomato paste
1 cup port (or red wine)
1 28-oz can whole plum tomatoes with liquid
Salt and pepper, to taste

Heat oil in skillet over high heat and brown the roast on all sides.  Transfer the roast into slow cooker.  With the remaining fat in the skillet, add the onions, celery, carrots, garlic c and mushrooms.  Cook until tender, about 10 minutes.  Add tomato paste and stir to coat the vegetables.  Transfer all of this to the slow cooker.  Pour the port into skillet and deglaze.  Add this to the slow cooker with the tomatoes and liquid.  Cook on low for 10 hours.

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